Tuesday, June 29, 2021

It’s Been Way Too Long

Hi everyone! I have missed you!

Life here is crazy.

First is work: 

While the YMCA was closed down for the third Covid wave, the building we are housed in announced they were closing their doors and the YMCA, along with the other tenants, were given notice to vacate. We (by which I mean Richard and Aimee) worked horribly long hours, ended up covered in bruises and exhausted, but managed to arrange the moving of an entire health, fitness and aquatics centre over the span of 5 days. Although it was hard work, long hours, and very sad, it was incredible to be a part of this team who never wavered in their love of the Y, and their understanding that although the building closed, this would not be the end of the Fundy YMCA. We now have the opportunity to redesign our programs, to reach out in new directions, to redefine ourselves. So underneath the stress and exhaustion, I feel a level of excitement.

The Farm:

The animals have also held a level of stress. The fox came back a second time and took two more chickens, so they have all been inside but given free range of the barn for three weeks now. While they are all still alive, this is not the life I wanted for my chickens. So we have decided to start to let them outside again but in smaller groups for shorter times under supervision until we can determine if the threat still exists. We are hoping that we were caught in  kit training season and that, a month later, it is over and they have all moved on to there new homes. Very hopeful and probably naive, but I am hoping nonetheless.

One of our first time momma rabbits had us learning midwifery skills when she needed help delivering a breach baby. While we were unable to save the baby, the mom is alive and doing well.

We have added to our duck flock and now have 10 of the most lovely call ducks ❤️ they have a pool room since I am not comfortable yet releasing them to the pond until I feel the fox is gone. But that will be such a fun day when they finally get to go in it! We have made our first endeavour into meat chickens. I think next year I will look into a different breed of meat chickens-sassos- which take a bit longer to get to butcher weight, but have a more natural bird life. 

The pigs are my peace and joy! I love seeing them frolick and play and run excitedly towards us, just as happy to hang out with us as we are to hang out with them. They have a lovely large area to call home as I am asking them to dig up a hay field.

The garden is growing well. There are a few things that need to be replanted after being nibbled away by birds or rodents. and none of the herbs I planted took?? So I am trying to get them started inside and, if all goes well, I will be able to transplant seedlings in a month. Other than the basil, much of what I want are perennial herbs so this season won’t be productive but should be established for next year. 

Finally our more domestic animals….Dixie is lovely and becoming a fantastic farm/herding/protecting dog who is doing a wonderful job of keeping the chickens close on their supervised outdoor times. Charlie the cat is finally losing weight, getting stronger, going outside more and keeping the basement and garage rodent population under control. Phoenix the cat injured his paw 10 days ago but after a few days of forced bed rest he is back outside and back to climbing the trees.  And as of tonight we also have a rescue barn cat. We have read that a barn cat presence will help to deter predators like foxes, and of course we are hoping they will also keep the rat population in the barn down. So we are very excited to meet him and have our fingers crossed that he protects and doesn’t eat our ducks and chickens!

So let me introduce our newest family member: Dexter.

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