Sunday, April 28, 2019


Spring has always been my favourite time of year. As a gardener I love the anticipation of seeing those first bits of green popping out. This year is only different in that I do not now what to expect. I'm not in the front garden looking for my tulips, or in the back garden looking for my garlic. I am everywhere looking to see what I will have the joy of nurturing over the next many years!!


Rhubarb-planning to make a
crisp as soon as its big enough!

Grape Hyacinth
Lungwort (which I have tried to grow
unsuccessfully before-so excited!!)

Happy to see the apple trees
we pruned budding

Zoe and I have really been enjoying a weekly supper and game night with GEMMA! Thanks again for such a great evening of food and "Life". You will need a bigger car for all those children Gemma!

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Den

I cannot believe it has taken me this long to finally write these words...the den is done!

This is a project that we started back in October. Mom and dad helped start the wood stripping process.

When Kate was here in November, she helped expose the original floor boards, strip the wood and brainstorm with me how to finish the flooring.

I built a wall closing in a closet in December and Zoe puttyed it. We painted the ceiling and walls.

In February when my parents came back, we sanded the floor, laid rope in the floor spaces, stained and varathaned the floors, and painted the trim (sorry Kate!!) Replaced the light fixture, bought and hung curtains and pictures.

Over the past week, I have made a built in shelving unit, put up another wall to hide a chimney which Zoe has puttyed and painted, and we have put up the quarter round to finish it off!

We finally hung Zoe's shelf and did the final decorating touches! I am so happy with how it has turned out. Our second top to bottom room is complete!!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone. I hope you all were able to enjoy some good food and good company today.

While I do not regret making this move, I come from a family that gathers six times a year to celebrate every holiday and today they were definitely in my mind and in my heart. I know you were all together at Pat and Tom's house and hope you had a terrific time. 

Our day started with Zoe baking and by mid afternoon we were cooking up a storm in preparation for spending our evening with some terrific friends and family. 

Please meet from left to right Jacinta, GEMMA, Kim and you all know Zoe! 

Even Dixie had a friend at the party! This is Snookie!

As a final note...I have had many requests to go back to posting twice a week. So this Thursday you can expect to hear from me again!

Sunday, April 14, 2019


I feel this week has just been living. Zoe and I have not accomplished a lot inside the house, and we had a snowstorm this week so we were unable to work outside the house. In fact Tuesday April 9th was a snow day for Zoe at school! Unbelievable!

We have been busy with 4H, going to a meeting, making cookies for a bake sale fundraiser, and working Saturday morning at the church breakfast while they hosted our bake sale.

We have tried two new restaurants. Pizza Delight where we sampled a number of dishes at their buffet and The Calorie Counter Bakery where we had specialty coffees and cinnamon buns. Both were excellent and we enjoyed getting out into the community again after feeling cooped up in the house.

We have also tried to order our chickens. The co-op we wanted to order from has not been answering their phone when I call?? But we have decided to start with 25 Barred Plymouth Rock laying hens. We have the nesting boxes and roosting bars all ready. We have the bedding, supplies for water and food. We just need to do a bit more work to the interior of the chicken coop and we will be prepared for their delivery at the end of May.

Finally, after applying to half a dozen jobs, I have my first interview on Monday. I am very nervous, it has been about 14 years since I have been to an interview, but I am a more confident person than I was then too, so I am hoping all goes well!

Sunday, April 7, 2019


I'm not so sure about this once a week blog. I find I have so much that I want to write about. I'll try it for a few weeks, but I may switch back to twice a week. Any preferences from you?

Our neighbour Linda sent me a link to a local auction house. They were having an auction on Saturday and I decided to check it out. Three of us loaded into the truck at 7:30am, and off we went (yes Zoe got up all on her own on a Saturday also excited to try something different!) There was so much awesome stuff-furniture, farm equipment, a car, and lots of "junk". Zoe and I have been looking for eight months now for a chest. We were able to buy one at this auction for $12.50!! I am so excited to see how we will refinish it and fit it into our decor. I had so much fun that going to auction is definitely something that I will do again.

Blackberries...there are lots of blackberries around the property. Unfortunately they have not been tended, or managed in anyway. In fact, it's hard to find many of the blackberries underneath all the rose briar that has grown over it. This week we tackled the area around our marsh/pond. With me cutting and Zoe burning we have made pretty good progress. There is still lots to do but I am pleased with the way its coming. I have been told that I am still too Ontario though. A Nova Scotian farmer would have taken the bush hog to it and levelled everything in a very timely manner and not taken weeks to individually cut each stalk so it looks pretty!! I still have a long way to go before I truly fit in. But I am loving every moment I spend outdoors working on our property.

We have been taking Dixie out with us most days when we work. She has become quite good off leash, returning when we call her if she wanders off. We did discover this week, working around the pond, that we have a true water baby! She had so much fun!!

Finally, fifteen months after getting her beginners, Zoe finally got behind the wheel of the truck and drove! She may have started a little rough (and slow) but she ended very well. I think she is going to do just fine.