Sunday, April 14, 2019


I feel this week has just been living. Zoe and I have not accomplished a lot inside the house, and we had a snowstorm this week so we were unable to work outside the house. In fact Tuesday April 9th was a snow day for Zoe at school! Unbelievable!

We have been busy with 4H, going to a meeting, making cookies for a bake sale fundraiser, and working Saturday morning at the church breakfast while they hosted our bake sale.

We have tried two new restaurants. Pizza Delight where we sampled a number of dishes at their buffet and The Calorie Counter Bakery where we had specialty coffees and cinnamon buns. Both were excellent and we enjoyed getting out into the community again after feeling cooped up in the house.

We have also tried to order our chickens. The co-op we wanted to order from has not been answering their phone when I call?? But we have decided to start with 25 Barred Plymouth Rock laying hens. We have the nesting boxes and roosting bars all ready. We have the bedding, supplies for water and food. We just need to do a bit more work to the interior of the chicken coop and we will be prepared for their delivery at the end of May.

Finally, after applying to half a dozen jobs, I have my first interview on Monday. I am very nervous, it has been about 14 years since I have been to an interview, but I am a more confident person than I was then too, so I am hoping all goes well!

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