Monday, April 11, 2022


Covid finally found our household. Zoe brought it home and was down for 7 days. Nasal and head congestion, loss of taste and smell, and exhausted. Then it hit me. Chest congestion, cough, body aches, chills, icky stomach, exhaustion. When I could find the energy to care, I found it fascinating that we could have such different symptoms in the same house at the same time. 

Unable to work for any length of time outside, I have been relegated to rest, read and putter inside. 

My parents gifted me with Mother Earth News magazine and it’s archives dating back to 1970 for my birthday. I have enjoyed reading through the archives, gathering great tips and realizing that although the world is a very different place than it was in 1970, the ideas of farming haven’t changed that much. Or maybe it’s that we are now looking back 50 years and realizing how right the methods were then and implementing them again?

I have almost all my seedlings started under the grow lights. I still have to plant the peppers but ran out of soil. And since no one wants my germ infected person in town, they will have to wait another week to get planted. I was very excited to peek in today and already see tiny brussel sprouts, cabbage and broccoli coming up!! 

I want to put out a huge thank you to the Troup’s❤️ I received an amazing package in the mail from Charissa and Dean containing some of their farms maple syrup which I am saving to enjoy with my father. He is the only person I know who loves maple syrup more than me! This package also contained some seeds Charissa saved from her garden. The seeds, the variety, the handmade paper labels, everything, was so amazing. I believe she just added another “farm goal” to my list! I really am so appreciative-thank you!

Here’s hoping for a healthier week ahead.

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