Thursday, December 6, 2018


My brother arrives today!! I am very excited to see Bill and my sister-in-law Jennifer, to show them around the house and property and to put them to work (hehe)! It's the waiting that is hard. House is cleaned, groceries are bought, wine is chilling, now what? Seriously, I remind myself, there is always work to do so...

First, I realize the view of St. Mary's Bay through the trees is lovely this time of year with no leaves to block my view. Ahh, nothing like waves to calm me down.

Second, I had mentioned earlier that a tree had fallen down during a wind storm. As I drove into the driveway yesterday I felt that there was not as much as there had been previously. I think maybe someone has been coming and taking a few pieces here and there. So Zoe and I amped up our muscles and lugged them onto the back of the truck and rolled them off at the barn. We seriously felt like He-Women. These were bloody big and heavy! The picture does not do them justice but to describe the size, when laid side by side we could fit only two at a time in the back of the truck! So proud of us!

Third, we have wanted to start on the chicken coop. We cleaned out the little treasures. A child's homemade whip, an exacto knife, a light fixture, a cat carrier and lots of little feed dishes. I have a feeling chickens had not lived here for a while! With shovels in hand we took three wheelbarrow fulls of old soggy sawdust out and lifted the rotted plywood floor. And just like that, it is looking so much better!

All in all, not a bad way to spend our time waiting. We bought more of that fresh caught fish to make for supper tonight because we had loved it so much - so off to the kitchen I go!

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