Sunday, November 17, 2019

Lori...This is not Goodbye

Lori was our After School and Youth Director at the YMCA and one of the loveliest, sweetest, kindest, hardest working, gentlest souls that I have ever had the good fortune to meet.

Lori has made the very brave decision to leave a job that she worked tirelessly at developing into something to be proud of. She made the decision to leave the career path that she trained for. She made the decision to leave her (awesome) co-workers to follow her heart. Having followed that path myself - I could not be more proud of her or happy for her. Sometimes the path to happiness involves very difficult decisions and it takes a special someone to take that leap of faith.

As I was forced to sit smiling saying goodbye to Lori, I was reminded how 18 months ago the tables were reversed and I was forcing friends and family to say goodbye to me.

Lori is me in reverse. I left a growing town, I left my family, I left the optometrists office. Lori is moving to a larger town, Lori will be spending more time with her partner, and Lori will be working at an optometrists office!

As I sit here being very selfish and crying (again!) I know Lori was put in my path for a reason. She makes everyone she meets better just for knowing her. And, as I have discovered...leaving does not mean goodbye. I love and appreciate all of my friends and family who have maintained contact with me since I made my big move so Lori...this is not goodbye.

When I left Ontario, my dear friend Sandi gave me card that I keep on my desk to remind myself that someone believes in me. I am going to pass on her advise to you Lori:
"...pull up your big girl panties, pull your hair back, straighten up your crown, and go get 'em."💖

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