Unpaid Labour Clearing Weeds |
I started about a month ago with the fence. Last year I had put up a low, flimsy fence that the rabbits crawled under and the deer used as a grazing bar. This year I went higher, I dug it underground, and built it much more solidly. So far it has stood up to some pretty fierce winds so I am hopeful it will do its job and I will get to harvest more than three squash and a measly handful of beans.
I have in the garden: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, rhubarb, asparagus, garlic, three kinds of onions, carrots, beets, lettuce, two kinds of peas, three kinds of beans, two kinds of peppers, two kinds of tomatoes, three kinds of potatoes, two kinds of squash, cantaloupe, two kinds of cucumber, broccoli, cauliflower, and sunflowers. I also have my separate herb garden with mint, lemon balm, oregano, parsley, thyme, lemon thyme, chives, basil, chamomile and lavender. I have already started looking at new canning, dehydrating, freezing methods and recipes. As you know I have taken great joy in being able to eat my harvest well into the spring this year and hope to find new and yummy ways to eat from the garden.
Chickens: ARE AWESOME! Eight white sapphire chickens arrived last Monday. (This type of chicken is a newer mix breed that is supposed to lay powder blue eggs.) This meant I did have to set up a brooder for them (another new experience). I think I did a good job - proof - the chicks are still alive, growing and seem quite healthy! It is difficult to accomplish much right now because all I want to do is be in the coop with these sweet babies. The farm born chicks are so much fun. See the pic of fun and games piggy back rides.