Happy Labour Day weekend! To celebrate, I decided to Labour. I finally have two days in a row with no plans outside of the house. I am so excited (and apparently a little crazy to be so excited to work!)
I feel like I have not been able to accomplish much lately. I have been working longer hours at the YMCA preparing to greet children at our after school program and I have been too tired to do much after work. So I gave myself permission to rest this past week. But now, the rest is over and back to farm work I go.
It was a great day today. I have moved the 6 baby chickens that I am hoping to keep (4 hens and 2 roosters) into the main coop with the big girls. Today I got to watch them try to figure out if they like each other. The two that were born on the farm tended to stick together and away from the older girls. The white sapphire girls that I got as day old chicks moved back and forth between the two groups. I think everyone will settle down nicely. The two I am still a bit concerned over is Max, the big rooster, wasn't so kind to Ari, the little rooster. I'll keep an eye on them and hope for the best.
The rabbit update...Thumper, that we brought home last weekend, did not take the move very well. He wasn't eating or even moving around much. Since the girls are too young to get pregnant, I decided to move Thumper in with Willow and Ivy. Things did not start out hopeful, but after three days of living together, they are getting along great. In between all the cuddles, they are all eating, drinking, playing and sleeping.
The garden...I am so happy to have red tomatoes on the vines this year. If you remember, they did not ripen outside last year. I wound up doing a combination of green tomatoes recipes, and window sill ripening. Today I am making ketchup for the first time. The recipe I chose is a crockpot one and it takes 12 hours...so I'll let you know next week how it turns out. Tomorrow I am going to try and make salsa for the first time. Then of course I will also be making my spaghetti sauce and my favourite roasted tomato and basil soup.
That all makes my day sound so lovely and relaxing, however I did also complete the tear apart of the barn section that was pulled down a few weeks ago. I have 7 piles of lumber - good barn boards, good newer boards that had been used for roofing, rotten barn boards, shingles, beams, and three burn piles of unsalvageable wood. Tomorrow I get to go through the good wood piles and remove the nails, pick which boards I want, and pick some boards for friends who have expressed an interest in using them. I also need to try and get some firewood gathering in tomorrow. I guess that all means I need a good night sleep tonight!
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