Monday, August 31, 2020


We have our next additions to the farm now. Rabbits - both cuddly pets and meat rabbits.

It all began a month ago. Zoe has stayed friends with her supervisor from Upper Clements Park. Zoe has housesat and babysat for her over the past year.  This summer as Zoe came out of quarantine, she was asked by Elizabeth to housesit again. Elizabeth has bunnies with whom Zoe, obviously, falls in love with!

We have conversations with Elizabeth about bunnies. What breed they are, why she has them, and what she does with them. This next sentence is becoming my mantra "I then go and research!" I have collected a number of books, add in google, and I agreed with Zoe that bunnies could be our next farm additions.

I was able to quickly put up three "stalls" in the barn to hold some bunnies. The goal was one for each female and her kits (when she had them) the third for the male.

We then chose two females from Elizabeth's bunnies. Zoe loved this little 4 week old grey possibly eastern cottontail whose babies will be adorable pets, and I selected a white New Zealand 8 week old whose babies will be sold for meat. Yesterday, we drove to a different farm to get a red New Zealand male who will be daddy!

I smile at how my life has changed. I remember being an18 years old vegetarian and going into a barn where there were bunnies. My friend and I sat in the hay and began cuddling and loving on these little bundles of fluff when the owner came in and advised us not to name supper. I was so sad and in so much shock that anyone could eat a bunny...yet here I am a few decades later ready to recite how rabbit has the highest percentage of protein, the lowest percentage of fat, and the fewest calories per pound. Will I butcher, not yet anyway, will I eat them, maybe, will I love them and give them the best life they can have before someone else butchers them...most definitely!

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