Sunday, October 18, 2020

Finally Finished

This week I have been, finally, finishing storing the last of the harvest.

I have emptied the sunflower heads and collected the seeds for the chickens. I also dried oregano and thyme to add to their food this winter. It’s like vitamins, helping to keep them healthy! Or so I have read. 

I also finally finished processing all the tomatoes. I still had an entire table of them upstairs. I sorted red, green, rotten, and never gonna ripen. I cut, seeded and dried all the good ones and now have 4 jars of “sun “ dried tomatoes in oil, in the fridge. I have also already made a sun dried tomato and almond pesto to go with Brie...yummy!!

And finally I tried rosehip jam. I found a recipe at Christmas last year in a Nova Scotian cookbook my parents friends gave me. Unfortunately, I could not pick enough rosehips at that time of year to successfully try the  recipe. But this year...lots of rosehips! It took three days to prepare them. Between the picking and cutting I thought I would never get to the cooking! I even skipped the de-seeding and removing of the little hairs (which will cause digestive upset) as I found a recipe that shows how to remove them after cooking them down. The finished product is beautiful and tasty, but it did not set. I may take them out of the jars and reboil them. I’m still debating that or using it as is for ice cream topping and in my salad dressings. 
The last thing I have done this week is harvest seeds to replant next year. I have three kinds of squash, basil and sunflower so far. 

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