Mom and dad are gone.
I feel like what I have to write is a recap of mom's blog last week...but to wrap up their visit:
They were here for 4 weeks and 3 days, I got them for an extra 3 days due to an ice storm. They were here for 5 weekends and Nova Scotia treated them to 4 storms, 72 total hours of no power, snowed in, buried under a solid inch of ice and temperatures that dipped below “feels like” -27. Mom swears they will never be back in January. She plans to return in May and I am sure she will like the black flies much better than the snow 😉
Although we did not complete our usual list of farm chores which was disappointing as I try to take advantage of any visiting body on the farm, we really did accomplish a lot.
Top of my “yay” list was replacing the kitchen tap and repairing the cupboard under it. The tap has dripped since the day I moved in and while it took 3.5 years, I could no longer stand the water torture! Dad and I took a day, some blood sacrifice and a bit of language not suitable for my mother's ears and we got it done!!! I cannot express how happy this makes me❤️
We also got an fantastic start on the barn floor. I could not build the base with hangers and joists by myself, so to have that done is not only amazing, but gets me closer to checking that job of my 2022 goals list!!! Yay dad and Shannon!!
Although no ground got broken, we made great progress on getting mom and dad set up in their “cottage”. There is a secluded area on my property where they are going to put a trailer. We got the septic, well, and electric all organized to go in within the next few months so when they come back they should have their own space to relax in.
We have refinished three rooms since we moved in, but there is always something not quite completed so…the den is done! The bathroom is done! Zoe’s room is so much closer to done! Just a bit of touch up paint left to do. So then we were able to move on to room number 4….the living room. It was a hard decision since I had planned to finish the dining room, living room and hallway in a cohesive flow. But I am so sick and tired of having a plywood floor that I decided this is the year of not being embarrassed to have people over. We got windows ordered and a tile ceiling replaced with drywall. I promised mom that Zoe and I will make more progress before their return in the spring!
It is always great to have my parents here and it seems eerily quiet today. Zoe started work today and the puppies and I are doubling down to find a routine that works for us, and we will find our new normal again within a few days (I hope!).