Sunday, October 6, 2019

And Then There Were Two...

Thursday, Mom and Dad headed back to Ontario, and thus marked the end of the planned company. It has been a wonderful summer with both planned and unexpected visitors. I have enjoyed my time with everyone of you, no matter how short your visit may have been.

Mom and dad stayed for two weeks and we were able to accomplish a lot. I realized that I have fallen out of the habit of photographing everything, so my selection is rather slim this week however...

We worked on clearing rose briar from one of the islands only stopping when we were afraid we might pass out from blood loss. The dirt area in this picture is the area the rose covered!! The sad thing is this was only one of so many rose briars around the property, but one by one I am trying to work through them.

We had a few delicious desserts thrown in for good measure.

And thanks to mom and dad, we have someone working on drywall in Zoe's bedroom so a year after starting her bedroom, we are finally making some progress in it.

I have some work that needs to be done in a spruce forest. Dad and I had walked to it, but found that after the hurricane there are so many fallen trees we couldn't walk through it. This has become the next job on my priority list to tackle. Now that it is just the two of us again, I talked Zoe into coming out with me to assess what needs to be done. We walked half way there and Zoe was swarmed by bees and stung repeatedly. I have been advised that she is never leaving the house again! I am so frustrated that she finally agreed to come out and help me and this happens to send her running. I can't blame her though, it was the same type of bee sting that sent me to the hospital 17 years ago. Luckily she is ok. Ice and time and she is still sore but no severe reaction.

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