Sunday, June 28, 2020


All during the three months of isolation I have been good. I, guiltily, have enjoyed myself at home with my animals and being able to be outside all day in my personal paradise. So I find it very strange that I am back to work and seeing lots of people again and now is the time that I am really missing my family.

Zoe was supposed to visit in March, my parents in May, Sandi and Laura in June and Brandon in July. I understood the reason for the solitude and managed to appreciate it, but now that my life is moving in a new, normal direction, I realize how much I missed. Add to that this week my daughter had a bit of a medical crisis (she is totally fine) but all I was able to do was talk to her over the phone, try to calm her down and provide sound advise from over 1400km away when what I really wanted was to hug her.

I feel like now I am trying to reconcile my soul and my heart and its proving to be a challenge. My soul is at home here, but my heart is with my children and my family. Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of moving back to Ontario right now, but it is the first time I have felt lonely. As soon as those Canadian borders relax...I will be one happy girl!

On the brighter side, the chickens are wonderful, making me smile constantly, the babies are growing and are becoming resigned to the fact that they will be held and cuddled every time I enter the coop. Dixie is wonderful. We are working on training again as a result of a very scary incident with her, cyclists, the highway and transport trucks! But she is learning quickly and eager to please. The garden is also wonderful. I have been eating fresh picked salads with strawberries all week.

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