I know I have said before how beautiful our property and surrounding area is. Now you don't just have to take my word for it, someone else agrees. Saturday morning at 10:30am (while still in my pyjamas of course...ugh) there is a knock on the door. It is a gentleman who introduces himself as a local artist. He is asking my permission to use my property as his vantage point to paint the magnificent view that I am fortunate enough to see everyday!! I said yes of course. But unfortunately I wasn't thinking fast enough and did not get his name or any information that would give me viewing access to his work when he completes it. I am very disappointed with myself but will keep my eyes open and if I see him working, I will approach and ask!
Our life has been very slow. We spend the mornings with the puppy and are loving the cuddles while we still can. I 'm thinking at the rate she is growing, we will not be able to cuddle like this for much longer! In the afternoon we go for a long walk with Dixie and work on training. Then we get about two hours of work time for the den or firewood before it gets dark and we are ready for supper. It is quite a change from the go go go of before Christmas.
I am starting "my book". My parents gave me a beautiful journal for Christmas and in it I am recording the suggestions I have researched for farm projects. So for example, this morning I wrote out my maple syrup instructions. I leave extra pages so each year I can add notes and corrections as we see what works and what doesn't. I also did the fruit tree pruning section today. Still to work on are the chicken and goat/sheep research that I have accumulated (I'm still unsure which animal it will be, so I'm researching both). The tough part of this research, is I have found so much conflicting information. I am trying to focus on what makes sense to me and seems low maintenance. But with writing my plans down and leaving lots of extra pages I can add and change over the years as I discover what really does work for us. Of course there will also be sections for my garden, what I grew under the lights, what transplanted well, which plants were in which garden so I can rotate appropriately etc. This section is so huge, I find it a bit daunting. But if I just start at the beginning it will flow (I hope!).
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