We want to wish all those wonderful moms out there a fantastic Mother's Day!
I was certainly missing my mom, and my son (who did call me. Thank you - I love you!), but Zoe and Dixie succeeded in making it a wonderful day for me!
It started with Dixie encouraging me to make a bacon and egg breakfast for her mom to let her know how grateful she was to be Zoe's fur baby.
From there we moved on to my favourite shopping experience...the greenhouse! Zoe helped me pick out some beautiful specimens for two planters we will be displaying this year.
The day just kept getting better as we got an invitation to go to Jennifer's house and play with her horse! Zoe did some grooming and practising for 4H showmanship. I know Zoe is loving them, but I am also finally feeling more comfortable around horses. I have previously found them very large and rather intimidating, unsurprisingly, they are large and intimidating!! But Jennifer has been fantastic in showing us how to handle them making me much more comfortable.
Not done yet...I am allowed my favourite pastime, and get to spend two hours outside playing in the yard. I am really good at jumping from job to job and therefore nothing gets completed. Well today I was able to complete some jobs and feel great about those two hours. I followed this up by a bubble bath and glass of wine!!! How luxurious!!
We finished off the day with a delicious 4 course Mother's Day meal prepared for me with love by Zoe! Absolutely delicious!!
I feel so incredibly lucky to have the amazing family that I do. Without your love, support and belief in me, I would not have been able to make this journey that I am on. So, on Mother's Day, special love and thanks to Zoe, Brandon, Mom, Dad, Bill, Jen, and my aunt Judy whose weekly phone calls I have come to depend on.
I sincerely hope all you mothers were fortunate enough to have as terrific of a day as I was! And thanks to all you amazing children who make us mom's!